
Tutoring Process

Online Tutoring Process

Our Tutoring sessions are one-on-one and are conducted with the help of multiple audio and video aids. Teachers and students interact live on the whiteboard and work together on lessons which are designed around students' needs, abilities, skills, and interests.

Our expert teachers will ensure that each student's needs are developed and taken into account when creating an individualized learning plan.

A. Filling up the enquiry form and scheduling Demo Session

Enquiry form is filled where basic details related to Tutoring are taken and 30 mins Demo session is scheduled to get a hand on experience of learning style that we offer.

B. Student assessment

During the live Demo, both Teacher and Student will get a chance to Interact personally and get to know each other. Parents too can sit during the Demo sessions and can interact with the Teacher

We will conduct a preliminary assessment of the student to determine where the student is and where we need to go in terms of academic goals.

We will develop our work plan according to the evaluation results.

C. Confirmation of Class schedule and Tutor

Once the demo session takes place and we receive confirmation of successful registration, the course schedule will be finalized after discussing with the parents.

We will be flexible and accommodating and may cancel or reschedule a particular meeting based on information received in advance from Parent.

D. Regular Test and Feedback

We will conduct regular testing to monitor student learning and development.

We will inform parents about the status of each exam and inform them about important studies carried out in different periods. The student's progress will be reviewed and remedial measures will be taken as and when required.

E. Monthly Invoice and Payment

We will send a detailed Invoice to parents at the end of each month. This will include details of each subject the child has studied, the topics covered and other details.

We will accept payment electronically. Additional details will be provided once registration is complete.

Our Tutoring sessions are conducted with the help of multiple aids

Skype /Zoom/ Google Meet

All our learning sessions are conducted with the help of audio and visual aids such as Skype, Zoom or Google meet. This help both the Tutor and students to express their views and ideas verbally as well as visually.

Worksheets and Study Material

  • We use lot of interactive and creative worksheets to stimulate learning in students.
  • Study material will be in the form of notes, assignments and Presentations.

  • Sample worksheets


  • White board is one of the essential tools that will facilitate Virtual learning in very much the same manner as classroom learning.
  • It is primarily a collaborative tool which helps students and Tutor interact during the class.

  • One can write, draw, share files, presentations using the white board. It is kind of learning space where both Teachers and student can write and interact in real time via internet.